About Us
Black Star Kennels (BSK) is a free online dog game for people of all ages. It gives dog lovers a chance to
breed, show, and raise their own dogs while chatting with other people of similar interests. BSK hopes
members will learn responsibility for their dogs, money management, and social skills in a fun and entertaining
environment and that these values will be instilled in future generations.
History Lesson
BSK opened in 2005. It is designed, maintained and programmed by
design1online.com, games for girls. It has
gone through three different layout changes in the past few years and is steadily gaining in popularity. It
is currently run by
Dusty, one of the first players of BSK.
This game is free to join and play. If you decide you like it you can upgrade your account for a small yearly
fee. Upgraded members get additional features that makes playing the game more interactive and removes the
restrictions regular members have on their accounts. For more information on upgrades please visit our
upgrade section.
Our Mission
We support and promote local humane societies and dog rescue groups and societies for the prevention of
cruelty to animals. We hope that BSK will instill responsibility and life skills in people of all ages,
as well as educating dog lovers to prominent animal rights issues. For more information on how to adopt a
homeless dog or sponsor a special pooch in need please visit our
animal rescue